Omayra Maymó

Omayra Maymó is an architect and designer engaged in the creation of furniture, lighting and objects through which she explores the narrative and emotional power of our material world. These are timeless, honest and meaningful objects and furniture, which aim to generate intense emotional bonds with their owner and to last a lifetime by their side.


She founded her design studio in Copenhagen in 2016, the city where she developed as a designer. She currently lives mainly in Madrid, where she collaborates with different companies internationally. Her work has been awarded several prizes and honours, and her work has been exhibited in cities such as New York, Milan, London, Madrid, Barcelona, Copenhagen and Stockholm.

Arquitecta y diseñadora afincada entre Madrid y Copenhague, ocupada en la creación de piezas de mobiliario, iluminación y objetos, a través de los cuales explora el poder narrativo y emocional de nuestro mundo material.
Sus diseños son el lenguaje de un significado que quiere transmitirse más allá de la funcionalidad del objeto para emocionar a la gente. Además de su trabajo con productos industriales basados en un contexto de producción a gran escala, sus proyectos más especulativos, que a menudo dan lugar a piezas únicas y experimentales, constituyen una parte importante de su trabajo.

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